Bit Spicy

Singapore-inspired spices

Tacos with black beans, peppers and coriander

Recipe, Vegetarian, vegetable mexicanElizabeth Anderson
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A delicious combination which is also vegan and healthy (until you serve with lots of cheese!). Serve with a taco, salsa, lettuce and cheese. It is also great as a non-meat filling for enchiladas and quesadillas.

  • 1 medium onion, chopped

  • 2 tbsp oil

  • 4 cloves garlic, crushed

  • 2 red or yellow peppers, chopped

  • 2 tbsp tomato puree

  • 1 carton mexican spice blend (hot or mild, depending on taste)

  • 2 tins black beans, drained (or 350g cooked beans)

  • Handful fresh coriander

  • lime juice and salt

  1. Heat the oil and gently fry the onions for a few minutes.

  2. Add the garlic and peppers and cook gently until soft. Stir in the spices, cook briefly and then leave to cool.

  3. Place the above in a blender with the tomato puree, black beans and coriander, and blend. How lumpy you have it is a question of personal taste, but a bit of texture is good!

  4. Add lime juice and salt to taste.

  5. Pile some onto a warm taco, add some cheese, lettuce and your favourite salsa.

Cook’s notes

  • Feta works really well with this recipe, but use whatever cheese you prefer!

  • To use in a vegetarian enchilada: wrap some hot mixture in a tortilla and pour hot red enchilada sauce over. Sprinkle some cheese and place under the grill for a few minutes.

  • Find our quesadilla recipe here: substitute for plain beans.