Bit Spicy

Singapore-inspired spices

Pork with Tomatillo Sauce

Recipe, Mexican, porkElizabeth AndersonComment
pork in enchilada sauce 2665x1500.jpg

This pork casserole with a tomatillo sauce is one where you cannot believe something so simple can be so tasty! Your only challenge may be in tracking down tins of tomatillos, although they are easily available online (try Use pork with a bit of fat so that it becomes really tender once cooked. Delicious served with refried beans and rice. serves 4

  • 500g pork shoulder steaks, cut into pieces

  • 1 tbsp white vinegar

  • pinch sugar

  • 1/2 tsp salt and pepper

  • 600 ml water

  • 250ml green enchilada sauce (or see below)

  1. Marinate the meat in the vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar for an hour or so. You will find it has soaked up the liquid.

  2. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a casserole and fry the meat on all sides until no longer pink. Add the water, bring to the boil and simmer for at leat an hour, until the meat is tender.

  3. Remove the meat and bring the liquid to a rolling boil until it has reduced by half. If you taste it at this stage you will be amazed at how much flavour there already is!

  4. Add the enchilada sauce and the pork, bring to the boil and then simmer for about half an hour or longer. Serve as suggested above.

Cook’s notes

  • For the enchilada sauce (salsa de tomate verde), place a tin of tomatillos and their liquid in a pan with an onion, halved, and several cloves of garlic. Bring to the boil and simmer for about half an hour, until everything is soft. Take off the heat, season well with salt and pepper and stir in a handful of chopped coriander.